World Environment Day

Whole world is fighting a pandemic COVID 19 together and most countries in lockdown. But the environment seems to have benefited slightly.

Nature seems to have been busy reclaiming its spaces. Among other things, it is getting to breathe and clean itself a little, in the absence of the constant flurry of human activities.

Human beings have a tendency to take everything for granted, including the resources they get from nature.

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5, to remind people to not take nature for granted, and to read the signs, understand them, and act accordingly.The World Environment Day 2020’s theme is ‘Celebrate Biodiversity’.

Biodiversity, Food and lifestyle

Biodiversity is important for the survival of all living things big and small, on land, or in water.every living thing is connected to another living thing, and together it forms a network of diverse life forms on the planet.

There are tens of thousands of wild or rarely cultivated species that could provide a richly varied range of nutritious foods, resistant to disease and tolerant of the changing environment. Preserving the wild relatives of crops, which over time have evolved solutions to environmental challenges is very important. Protecting biodiversity could also tackle widespread nutrition problems.

Although Humans have developed many technologies in almost every field but still our dependency on nature cannot be replaced. This global phase of pandemic has shown us that in the race of so called development we have ignored mother earth so much. This time Nature itself is teaching us the ways of survival and sustainability. The relationship of human beings with nature is mutual cooperation. Both have to go hand in hand.

Globally many schemes and practices are being followed to preserve environment. It is not necessary to get involved with very big schemes or plans to save nature. Little little steps taken in our day to day life can help rejuvinate Mother earth and will in return gift us with treasure of good health and other resources.

10 Tips to Celebrate Environment Day Daily

  1. Minimise Plastic usePlastics have become a very regular and important part of our household. it’s time to cease our dependency on plastics and go for some better recyclable and biodegradable options.
  2. Kitchen GardenSet up a small kitchen garden if space is available. Simple and small kitchen gareden does not require much space. Few veggies and herbs like Basil, Celery, Mint, Lemongrass, Tomato, Chilli are easy to grow and don’t require much of maintenance. Although the amount of grown veggies won’t be able to fulfill your daily requirements but still it helps you connected to nature.
  1. Waste Management at homeBiodegradable waste from kitchen can be segregated and compost can be prepared out of it. Kids can be taught this segregation and can inculcate the habit of respecting nature.
  1. Don’t waste waterThe quantity of water in earth is fixed. Habit must be developed to save water whenever and wherever possible. At home instead of using showers for bathing fill a bucket of water and use it. Close tap tightly, use RO waste water for plants and other purposes and there are many more ways to save water daily. Do your bit for Nature.
  2. Use solar energy wherever possibleMany countries, states and cities have sunlight as a good source of energy. Make use of it wherever possible.
  3. Seed BombingDuring this pandemic situation of COVID-19 migrant workers are in Himalayan states like Uttarakhand are engaging in preparing seed bombs that would be used for afforestation drives.Seed bombing is the practice of introducing vegetation to land by throwing or dropping seed balls.this method is generally adopted before the monsoon season as rain spells provide water, humid soil, and an adequate temperature for the seeds inside the bombs to germinate.

    Seed bombs are made with compost, clay and seeds and can be dropped, tossed or shot from sling shots.

    On one hand, preparing these seed bombs is keeping jobless returnees from various countries and cities occupied constructively. This is also helping in afforestation. seed bombs also help in keeping wild animals inside forests as the seeds germinate into creepers and trees after sometime and provide food to monkeys, elephants, wild boars and others. this move is also helping in saving villages from human-wildlife conflict.

  4. Use Earthen Cookware for healthy cookingEarthen utensils and cookware have proven to be very healthy option for cooking food.  Earthen utensils retain the nutritional value of food.

    Water bottles, containers and other cookware are available in different shapes, sizes and designs. Go and grab few of your bio degradable and eco friendly utensils and help preserve Nature.

  5. Eat Healthy Seasonal foodIt is always better to have seasonal fruits and vegetables. These are not only good from health point of view but also prevents unnecessary steps of chemical harvest and preservation.
  6. Save electricityElectricity is an essential resource for a thriving life. It runs our daily life. Life without electricity would be impossible to imagine.However, people do not realize the natural resources to do as are limited and non-renewable. We must conserve electricity so that we can conserve these resources.
  7. Avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticidesChemical fertilizers and pesticides enter the food cycle. These have adverse effects not only on human beings’ health but also other plants, animals and other organisms. Focus on using organic manures for cultivation of crops.

These few simple steps even by 50% of Earth’s population can help preserve and flourish Nature and in return is benefecial for survival and sustainability of Human Beings.