Edible cutlery for healthy planet and us

Edible cutlery for healthy planet and us is the need of present time. Recyclable and bio degradable plastic materials have also revolutionised the step to save our planet but making one step ahead and making edible cutlery is now becoming an eco-friendly trend all around the world. Now, it is known to almost everybody that recycling is more beneficial than effusing trash to the garbage and local landfills. Biodegradable products are always better for the atmosphere than single or one-time-use products. Now you must be thinking about open place gatherings like picnic, outdoor Barbeque (BBQ), camping, etc. In those cases, the use of dishes is necessary. Well. That’s the reason edible cutlery sets come into the market for healthy food intake.

Eco friendly and Edible cutlery for healthy planet and us like Edible plates, spoons, forks, straws, packaging, chopsticks, and different types of edible utensils are some of the most valuable and incredible steps towards our environmental sustainability. The restaurant owners or managers should accept these innovative ideas to serve foods and drinks to their customers in such edible utensils. You can save your customer and this planet from plastics that are not decomposable. These plastics have polystyrene and polypropylene that have a longer life and take another 500 years to annihilate.

Reasons Behind The Use Of Edible Cutlery

  • When we purchase food from restaurants and finish our meals, we often throw these plastics in open garbage. So it will be better if we start to purchase edible cutlery for eating and limit the use of non-biodegradable products.
  • The production of 1lb. of plastic usually takes around 80L water to release 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide. On the other hand, these edible cutlery are healthy for human beings for their materials. The ingredients used to make edible cutlery include different types of flours, fibre, calcium, and protein. If you are a celiac, you should go for edible cutlery that is gluten-free.
  • Moreover when stray animals eat plastics it becomes really toxic for them and by any means may disturb the food cycle.
  • The nutritional ingredients’ composition chart per cutlery:

Energy – 34.86 kilocalorie

Minerals – 0.13 gram

Proteins – 1.06 grams

Fat – 0.12 gram

Fiber – 0.19 gram

Thiamine – 0.03 mg

Iron – 0.56 gram

Calcium – 2.13 mg

Folic acid – 1.33 mg

Niacin – 0.28 mg

Riboflavin – 0.01 mg

Carbohydrates – 7.64 grams

Carotene – 3.97 mg

  • Edible cutlery are available in 3 flavours such as; sweet, plain, and savoury. You can have the assurance that these flavours will not overpower the tastes of the items you have cooked in your kitchen. Even these flavours do not have any side effects upon intake of foods. These are helpful to maintain economic sustainability.
  • You can easily do the pushing, stooping, pulling, and holding foods than you do with your knives and forks.
  • These are free from chemicals, additives, and preservatives.

Edible DIY Tableware

If you want to give a green look to your dishes and table, then edible tableware would be the best option. There are many options and DIY recipes; you can make your tableware at home.

Edible Plates and Bowls

Edible bowls come in various sizes, shapes, and flavours, but if you want to make some dishes as edible bowls, you can do that sitting at home. Here are some tips for making edible plates and bowels:

  • For a stuffed pepper recipe, you need peppers.
  • A tostada needs the crispy tortilla
  • Bacon strips usability in an egg cup
  • A soup bowl needs a sourdough
  • Mushrooms are used in the stuffed mushroom appetizer

Edible bowls and tableware are biodegradable and consist of natural sources like; wheat bran and water. Moreover they are purely vegan.

Sugarcane Bagasse Cutlery

When we extract juice from sugarcane, the residue we leave behind. These residues are called Bagasse. These are suitable raw components for making cutlery and homemade utensils. The stringy parts of bagasse are resilient and highly beneficial. They are sustainable in moderately hot and cold weather. Even if this can’t be eaten throwing away won’t be heavy on planet’s health.

Edible Jowar Spoons

Edible jowar is used for making edible spoons adding water to them. If you want to decompose, it will be easy and quick to do. It is the best suit for dry foods intake.

PLA Plastic Cutlery

PLA plastic is made from carbohydrate products such as; starch, corn starch, or sugarcane. These natural sources are free from harmful chemicals and do not have any destructive impact on nature. They are durable and sustainable for hot and cold food.  There is no chance of any chemical reaction in contact with hot served foods.

Bamboo cutlery

Bamboo is the most demanded plant on our planet because of its resiliency, lightweight, and flexibility. It takes just a few weeks to get decomposed or degraded. We can use spoons, knives, and forks made from bamboo in our kitchen and home as bamboo products resist any atmospheric changes. They are most convenient to use.

Nation Movement Towards Plastic Exclusion

The ‘World Environment Day, with the theme; ‘beat plastic pollution’ was a significant step to nature and an awareness call to citizens of every country. It was a challenge taken by all responsible countries all over the world.  The theme of this call was to leave dependency on single or one-time-use plastic products. The other important aspect of this call was to start using edible utensils. All participating countries took a resolution to bring a revolution by eliminating plastic from those industries responsible for producing the biggest plastic wastes. Use of Edible cutlery for healthy planet and us is also one of the steps towards beating plastic pollution.

India is also a part of that awareness call. It has already enhanced the usability of edible cutlery from the food industry to the market, from restaurants to home kitchens. It is a potential and good market for the production and consumption of edible cutlery using multiple nature-friendly resources and a variety of food ingredients with natural flavors. India has a great potential for becoming a good market for production and supply of edible cutlery for healthy planet and us. This is because of wide and diverse availability of different natural ingredients with lots of natural color and flavor.

Wrap Up

So, for the sake of nature and our society, we should start using edible cutlery as an excellent alternative to plastic products that should be left behind. From restaurants to the kitchen, these edible utensils should be well accepted. Additionally Use your free time to watch a perfect recipe for making your cutlery at home so that you can cherish your cooked foods with your family at your dining table without any hesitation. Each and every steps counts. Last but not the least Save planet save yourself and your generations.