intermittent fasting for healthy body and mind

Intermittent fasting is a way to reduce calories with brief time duration by taking no food or a significant amount of food. Intermittent fasting for healthy body and mind holds some chapters of unrestricted eating. This fasting maintains body mechanism and fitness by losing extra fats and weight. Moreover It helps improve health in a better way by keeping blood pressure and cholesterol in control. Its root originated from the ancient tradition of fasting for a health benefit or spiritual bliss.

Intermittent fasting is a strict diet regimen that manages strict stoppages between two meals ranging from one day to thirty days.

An extended calorie-reducing diet process influences the psychological instinct that inspires our bodies to adjust to calorie restriction and restrain more weight loss. Intermittent fasting identifies these issues by cycling process between significant food intake for low-calorie consumption in a brief time and the normal eating that prevents these adaptations.

How Does The Intermittent Fasting Work for Healthy Body and Mind

You can start your fasting routine on alternate days. You have to abstinent foods and beverages for the whole day in a specific time sequence per week.

  • Alternate-day fasting— suppose you decide to keep fasting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So the alternate days will be no food restriction days consisting of one meal with 25% of the calorie you need daily.
  • Whole-day fasting— in this fasting, you will consume food in a 5:2 ratio, which means two days per week; you need complete fasting with no food restriction for the rest five days. You should gain 450-550 calories in those two days to keep body compositions functional.
  • Scheduled feeding— this fasting follows meal plans per day within a specific time frame. You may intake your meal between 8 am to 3 pm. Other hours of that particular day, you will keep your fasting.

Designated Time Frame For Intermittent Fasting

For a healthy start, you can choose any below-mentioned 8hours time window for your intermittent fasting. You have to limit your eating in this time frame.

Mostly adapted time windows:

  • 8 am to 4 pm.
  • 10 am to 6 pm.
  • 1 pm to 9 pm.
  • 3 pm to 11 pm.

Most people prefer the time between noon and evening. So they need to keep fasting overnight and in the morning, but they can easily consume a balanced lunch and dinner with some light snacks all day.

However, out of many options, you can select one time range for your fasting time window suitable to your body’s requirements. Setting a timer at the beginning and end of your fasting schedule will help you become severe and disciplined on your way.


The List Of Foods And Beverages During Intermittent Fasting for healthy body and mind

To increase your body immunity and health potentiality, you should look for nutritious foods beneficial for you in the long run.


The best way to fill up your appetite and keep healthy body weight you should take fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich beverages in your cyclical diet. You can balance your food charts with ample options of whole food grains, like;


  • Veggies:Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, etc.
  • Fruits:tomatoes, apples, berries, bananas, peaches, pears, oranges, etc.
  • Whole grains:Rice, barley, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.
  • Healthy fats:olive oil, avocados, etc.
  • Protein:Nuts, seeds, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, legumes, etc.


You can drink calorie-free beverages such as; water and non-sweetened drinks to keep your body hydrated during the time of fasting.


It will be best for your diet if you can avoid artificial-process foods such as; sugary items and drinks, packaged junk foods, deep-fried beverages, and frozen meals. These unhealthy foods contradict your body mechanism and badly affect the result of your intermittent fasting.


The Benefits That You Can Earn From Intermittent Fasting

Research shows that when people begin to follow the specific time frame for their intermittent fasting, that change triggers the metabolic key of the body and affects the health and brain. Still, you yourself can best judge whether your fasting diet is enough to keep active and fast the activities of health and brain, or not. Intermittent fasting practice does this job for you.


This fasting prevents many chronic diseases and protects organs from failure in performing specific tasks. You can avoid many diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiac arrest, heart diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, even distressful intestine.



  • Thought process and memory function: This fasting boosts our thoughts and memory function.
  • Potential heart:During this fast practice, we silently stimulate our blood pressure level and resting heart rate along with other measurements.
  • Physical performance:A young person can reduce extra fat by fasting for 16 hours, keeping the muscles intact, whereas fasting alternatively shows more tolerance.
  • Tissue function: intermittent fasting prevents tissue damages at the time of surgery.
  • Diabetes and obesity: For obese persons, it takes six brief time frames to reduce weight. It also prevents type 2 diabetes in humans.


Precautions with Intermittent Fasting

Doctors say that before going for intermittent fasting, you should consult your dietician or nutritionist for better suggestions. However Some of us are clear about our fasting planning, but some are doubtful. It is probably not suitable for the below-mentioned categories as per experts’ say:


  • A person under 18 and the children as well.
  • People who are patients of diabetes and blood sugar.
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding their babies.
  • People who have eating disorganization in their food history.


So the other part is good because people who do not belong to these specific categories can continue or do their intermittent fasting regimen happily and confidently.


People are gaining potential outcomes from this intermittent fasting. Loss of weight, loss of fat mass, and reduction of risky diseases are the results of this fast practice. This diet plan will help you to keep other types of fasting simultaneously. During fasting, people should take care of eating habits that should consist of fibers, whole foods, fruits, veggies, other nutrition-rich beverages, and water.


Any changes in diet or lifestyle routine should be made under a guidance of your dietician.Always remember that this fasting shows different outcomes on different persons. So if you feel any unusual physical issues, psychological disorders, stress, anxiety, headache, nausea and other unnatural changes in health, consult your doctor as earliest as possible.