As the weather gets hotter and the sun shines bright, it’s really important to eat well to stay healthy and fight the summer heat. Luckily, Indian food has many delicious options that taste great and help you feel refreshed in the summer. In this guide, crispandcurry takes a close look at Indian cooking and shares some healthy summer eating options that will keep you feeling cool, hydrated, and healthy during the summer.


Cooling Beverages:

When it’s hot outside and you need something to drink to stay hydrated, Indian cuisine offers a variety of refreshing beverages. Start your day with a glass of fresh Nimbu Pani, which is lemonade packed with vitamin C and electrolytes to keep you hydrated. Another option is Aam Panna, made from green mangoes, known for its cooling effect and ability to refresh you even on the hottest days. If you prefer something creamy, try lassi, a yogurt-based drink available in sweet or salty flavors, known for cooling you down and boosting your energy level.

Aam Panna: Aam Panna Recipe (Raw Mango Drink) –


Fresh Salads and Chaats:

During the hot summer days, it’s important to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to stay healthy and hydrated. Indian cuisine has a variety of fresh salads and chaats that are perfect for keeping you cool and satisfied. Enjoy the crisp and refreshing taste of Kachumber, a salad made with cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and herbs, which provides both great flavors and hydration. You can also try Bhel Puri or Papdi Chaat, popular street foods full of nutrients and flavors, making them a guilt-free treat for hot summer days.



Light and Flavorful Curries:

Contrary to what some may think, Indian curries can be light and full of flavor. Try options like Vegetable Korma or Bhindi Masala, which are made with a delicate mix of spices and only a little oil, ensuring a tasty meal without feeling heavy. These dishes are not only delicious but also packed with essential vitamins and minerals, making them perfect for a healthy summer meal. Serve them with whole wheat roti or steamed rice for a satisfying and nutritious dining experience.


Grilled Delights:

Celebrate summer by firing up the grill and treating yourself to a variety of healthy and tasty Kebabs and Tikkas. Choose lean proteins like chicken or fish, marinated in a mix of yogurt and spices for juicy and flavorful bites. Vegetarians can enjoy grilled paneer or tofu skewers, marinated in aromatic herbs and spices for a satisfying option. Serve your grilled treats with seasonal veggies like bell peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms, expertly grilled to add color and nutrition to your summer meal.


Seasonal Delicacies:

Make the most of the abundance of summer fruits and veggies by adding them to your meals for a tastier dining experience. Try mango salad, a mix of ripe mangoes, crunchy cucumber, and fresh mint that brings a sweet and tangy kick to your plate. Give traditional dishes like stuffed bitter gourd a try too, known for their cooling effect and special taste, perfect for a refreshing summer meal. Using seasonal ingredients not only adds flavor and nutrition to your food but also lets you enjoy nature’s best when it’s at its freshest.



Adding authentic Indian dishes to your summer meals isn’t just about enjoying great food—it’s about living well. From cooling drinks to tasty, light curries, Indian cuisine has plenty to offer for staying refreshed and nourished during the summer. By using seasonal ingredients and choosing lighter dishes, you can enjoy the rich flavors and cultural diversity of Indian food while taking care of your health. Here’s to a summer full of delicious food and good health!