Aam Panna Recipe

Aam Panna is a refreshing tangy drink prepared from raw mangoes with lots of health benefits during encroaching summers.This Indian cold drink not only relieves body from heat but the ingredients used in the preparation of aam panna helps improve and boost digestion.

Aam Panna used to be a common household cold drink in India that is co linked to summers.Before the introduction of aerated and other commercial cold drinks home made cold drinks were very popular. Although their health benefits have again started making their level up now a days.

here is a simple method to make Aam Panna at home easily.


  • 2 Raw Mangoes, large size

  • 2 teaspoon Cumin Powder

  • 1 teaspoon  Black Peppercorn crushed

  • Black Salt, to taste

  • ¼ tsp Asafoetida (Hing)

  • ¼ cup Sugar


How to make Aam Panna:

  1. Wash the mangoes and boil them in the pressure cooker. Let them cool down.

  2. Now, peel the mangoes and then mash and strain the pulp in a bowl.

  3. Put cumin powder, crushed black peppers, black salt, asafeotida and sugar in it and mix well, till sugar is dissolved.

  4. Divide the mixture into 4 glasses; fill them up with chilled water and stir.

  5. Serve cold .


Recipe Tips:


  • Quantity of sugar and salt can be altered as per taste.

  • If the panna is not very tangy, you can add some lemon juice to it.

  • You can also roast the mangoes on direct flame instead of boiling them.Make sure to prick the mangoes before roasting them.

  • You can make a healthier and a very different tasting version of Aam Panna by replacing sugar with jaggery.