Mahashivratri, the auspicious festival dedicated to Lord Shiva, holds profound significance in Hindu culture. As we immerse ourselves in the spiritual fervor of this divine occasion, we cannot overlook the importance of observing fasting traditions.  In the tapestry of diverse cultures, Mahashivratri stands as a sacred thread, weaving spiritual significance into the lives of millions. As we approach Mahashivratri 2024, a celebration that transcends religious boundaries, it becomes imperative to delve into the intricacies of this profound occasion. One aspect that elevates the spiritual experience is the practice of fasting. In this article, crispandcurry aims unravel the essence of Mahashivratri by combining spirituality with a delectable fasting feast. Join on this insightful journey as we explore 5 easy recipes that promise to elevate your fasting experience.


The Spiritual Significance

Mahashivratri, the “Great Night of Shiva,” symbolizes the cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction. Devotees worldwide observe fasts on this day to purify their minds and bodies, seeking divine blessings from Lord Shiva. Embracing the divine energy, we bring you a culinary celebration that complements the spiritual essence of Mahashivratri.


Recipe 1: Sabudana Khichdi


  • 1 cup sabudana (sago pearls)
  • 1 cup boiled and mashed potatoes
  • 1/2 cup roasted peanuts
  • 1/2 cup chopped green chilies
  • 1/4 cup ghee
  • Sendha namak (rock salt) to taste
  • Freshly chopped coriander leaves


  • Rinse sabudana thoroughly and soak in water for 4-6 hours.
  • In a pan, heat ghee and add chopped green chilies.
  • Add boiled and mashed potatoes, roasted peanuts, and soaked sabudana.
  • Season with sendha namak and sauté until the pearls turn translucent.
  • Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.


Recipe 2: Sweet Potato Halwa


  • 2 cups grated sweet potatoes
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup ghee
  • 1/2 cup jaggery
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • A handful of chopped cashews and raisins


  • In a pan, heat ghee and add grated sweet potatoes.
  • Stir until the sweet potatoes are cooked and turn golden brown.
  • Add milk, jaggery, and cardamom powder.
  • Cook until the mixture thickens, and ghee starts separating.
  • Garnish with chopped cashews and raisins.


Recipe 3: Vrat Ke Aloo


  • 4-5 boiled and peeled potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons amarnath flour
  • 1 tablespoon kuttu ka atta (buckwheat flour)
  • 1 tablespoon ghee
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • Sendha namak to taste
  • Chopped coriander leaves for garnish


  • Cut boiled potatoes into cubes.
  • In a pan, heat ghee and add cumin seeds.
  • Add amarnath flour and kuttu ka atta, roasting until aromatic.
  • Mix in boiled potatoes, season with sendha namak, and stir well.
  • Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.


Recipe 4: Kheer with Coconut Milk


  • 1 cup sama rice (barnyard millet)
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • A pinch of cardamom powder
  • Chopped nuts for garnish


  • Cook sama rice until tender.
  • In a separate pot, heat coconut milk and add cooked rice.
  • Stir in sugar and cardamom powder.
  • Simmer until the kheer reaches a creamy consistency.
  • Garnish with chopped nuts.


Recipe 5: Banana Walnut Lassi


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1/2 cup walnuts
  • 1 cup curd
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • A pinch of rock salt
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  • Blend bananas, walnuts, curd, honey, and rock salt until smooth.
  • Add ice cubes if desired and blend again.
  • Pour into glasses and garnish with crushed walnuts.


As we delve into the divine celebration of Mahashivratri, these easy and nutritious recipes promise to add flavor to your fasting experience. Each dish is crafted to cater to both your spiritual and culinary needs, ensuring a feast that transcends the ordinary.