Millets for Children

Millets are a great source of nutrition not only for adults but also for children. Millets for children can be introduced in diet gradually when children start having solid food. Millets are gluten-free and rich in fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a healthy choice for children. Due to numerous health benefits millets have special place in Indian kitchens. We can incorporate millets in daily diet of children in different interesting, nutritious as well as delicious ways.

Here are some ways you can incorporate millets for children:

  • Millet porridge: Millet porridge is a great breakfast option for children. You can make it with any millet of your choice, such as foxtail millet or pearl millet. Cook the millet with milk and sweeten it with a little bit of honey or jaggery. Moreover you can add few raisins or dry dates instead of sugar.
  • Millet pancakes: Millet pancakes are a great way to sneak in some millets into your child’s diet. You can use millet flour instead of regular flour to make the pancakes. Millet pancakes can be a perfect breakfast or evening snack for your child.
  • Millet khichdi: Millet khichdi is a nutritious one-pot meal that is easy to make. Cook millet with vegetables and lentils to make a wholesome meal for your child. This dish is a great source of protein and fiber, and it’s also easy to digest.
  • Millet idli and dosa: Millet idlis and dosas are a great way to add some variety to your child’s breakfast or snack. You can use a mix of millet flour and rice flour to make the batter and serve it with some coconut chutney or sambar.
  • Millet salads: Millets can also be used in salads. Cook the millet and mix it with vegetables, herbs, and a simple dressing to make a healthy and nutritious salad. This can be a perfect lunch or dinner option for your child.
  • Sprouted millets: Single millet or multi millet sprouts can be a good snacking option for children as well as adults loaded with almost all the necessary nutrients essential for healthy growth and development of body and mind also.

It’s important to note that you should introduce millets gradually into your child’s diet and monitor their response. Some children may have allergies or sensitivities to millets, so it’s important to watch for any signs of discomfort or reaction.